Juliet Balcony Systems

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Juliet Balcony Systems

Although a bit Shakespearian in nature, Juliet balcony systems can actually be quite modern and seem contemporary. If you think these balconies seem “so 15th century” then consider getting a glass Juliet balcony system. Glass has that advantage over other materials that it’s capable of turning pretty much any feature into something fresh and modern.

If you think that you really won’t have much use out of a balcony that’s as small as the Juliet one, think again. With a Juliet balcony system, you have the opportunity not only to create a bit of outdoor space for yourself but also to let the outside into your home. 

Because they aren’t that big, they are easy to make, which is why many UK homes have them. If you’re looking to update yours, then a glass Juliet balcony system is the solution you’ve been looking for. You might not find your Romeo under it every night, but they’ll give you a great opportunity to enjoy a bit of fresh air on your very own small oasis. 

Low Maintenance

You only really need a couple of glass panels to create your very own Juliet balcony system. That means there’s not a lot to clean and maintain once you do. As you’re certainly aware, glass is one of the easiest materials to maintain, which means your new Juliet balcony won’t ever be a huge chore on your to-do list. Plus, a glass balcony means you won’t have to worry about yearly painting or replacing as you would with a wood or a metal balcony.

More Natural Light

A Juliet balcony can let a bit of nature into your home. It functions in a way a bay window (or any regular window) never could, as it provides a bigger access point for the natural light and maximises it. It also creates a small outdoor space for you. If you have a small property without much natural light, a balcony like this is a great solution, especially if you also instal a French glass door.

Enhanced Aesthetics

Aside from being practical, Juliet balcony systems also look wonderful. Adding glass to the exterior of your home will instantly make it appear more modern and stylish. What’s more, the glass will look nice without drawing too much attention to itself. Therefore, it’s a subtle way to enhance the overall look of your home.

Interested In Our Juliet Balcony Systems?