Bi-Fold Doors

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Bi-Fold Doors

With each passing year, more home owners in the UK make the decision they never regret — installing bi-fold doors. Bifold doors hit that sweet spot between luxury and convenience. They bring an amazing sense of style to your home, but they are also highly practical. 

There are really just a few exterior design features that are as functional and eye-catching as bifold doors. They instantly take a house from traditional and maybe even borning to modern and fresh. They also have a multitude of benefits.

Bifold doors are extremely easy to maintain. Given that they are made from premium toughened glass with our special technique, GLASSMARIS bifold doors are made to be one-pan. That means that you won’t have as much trouble cleaning them as you do with windows and other outdated glass doors.

Maximising Natural Light

If you don’t have a lot of natural light in your home, bifold doors are an ideal way to change that. Completely made out of high-quality glass, bifold doors will let in as much natural light as the British weather allows. The floor-to-ceiling design maximises the available natural light, making your house seem not only brighter but also roomier.

Compact and Secure

Despite being transparent, bifold glass are not only compact but also secure. They take up very little space, which is great for owners of small properties. What’s more, they offer an added layer of security. They have an enhanced locking system throughout the sliding track, which regular patio doors can’t really offer.

Energy Efficient

Maximizing natural light isn’t just good for your home in terms of aesthetics. It’s also great for your electricity bill. By letting in extra natural light, you won’t have to turn on the lights as early as you do now. But that’s not all! Glass bifold doors are also made with energy saving in mind, which means they maintain the temperature of your home longer than other, regular doors do.

Interested In Our Bi-Fold Doors?