Bespoke Glass Design & Production
What’s more, glass can breathe a bit of life into your home. It can make your house seem more spacious and, thanks to its reflective properties, more well-lit. Introducing glass into your home will make it seem more modern and elegant.
No1 Bucks Bespoke Glass Supplier


Implementing glass products in your home, be it as part of the interior or exterior design, is a bold but smart move. Toughened glass is durable and sturdy. That means your investment will be more than worthwhile. Glass falls among the most cost-effective products because, although a pricey investment at first, it will last you for years (if not decades).


Made to Measure

Custom made pieces not only maximise your space but also offer unique and practical solutions. They are also made specifically for you, which means you’ll have the first and final say in their final look. Bespoke glass products also allow you to colour match and utilise the supreme GLASSMARIS selection to bring your design vision to life.

Exclusive Glass Product Suppliers

GLASSMARIS is the only supplier of the superb glass products. This exclusivity isn’t something that many other companies can offer, and we take great pride in it. All glass products are made with Super Spacer technology which gives the glass anti-UV, anti-condensation, and flame retardant properties.

Professional Installation

Bespoke glass products require precise professional installation. Having a glass product measured and cut, so it fits your home and space is just one part of a complex process. Installing the pieces in such a way they won’t budge even an inch is the second part. The GLASSMARIS team is full of exceptional, skilled professionals who will ensure your glass product is installed perfectly. If it doesn’t fit seamlessly, we’ll redo it until it does!

But why opt for

bespoke glass products?

Overall, having something custom made for your space means you can have a unique piece of design that will fit your aesthetics. It’s an opportunity to leave your own signature on your home and infuse the space with your personality.

However, bespoke glass products also have other benefits. Having your glass pieces (be they kitchen, bathroom, or other features) be custom-fit means they will be specifically made for your space. Every last inch will be utilised, and everything will fit seamlessly.

Interested In Bespoke Glass?