Glass Splashbacks
Glass splashbacks are slowly but surely becoming the most popular kitchen accessory across the UK. These often colourful pannels of glass protect your kitchen wall from splashes of oil, food, and dirt. Thus, they have a twofold role.

and Safety

These splashbacks aren’t exactly a novelty. However, they are now coming back into fashion simply because they offer a multitude of benefits. Compared to some other contenders (like tile splashbacks), they are easier to maintain, reflect light (which makes them perfect for small kitchens), and come in various colours and finishes.

Toughened Glass splashbacks can give your kitchen a more spacious feel. They open the space up instead of closing it and reflect light. Those with small kitchens with even smaller windows know how vital natural light is. You don’t know you need it until it’s gone! Glass splashbacks will reflect even the tiniest amounts of light back at your worktops, which will give you a better work surface. The light, as mentioned, will also open up your kitchen and make it seem brighter and roomier. 


The number one benefit of glass splashbacks is protection. The toughened glass is extremely durable and sturdy. Once fitted and installed, the glass will protect your wall paint or tile artwork for years to come. 

The glass is also extremely heat resistant. That’s a handy feature for a kitchen splashback, right? When things get hot and heavy in your kitchen, you can count on your glass splashback not to fold under pressure.

Low Maintenance

Cleaning a glass splashback is as easy as washing windows. If you’ve ever had to scrape sauces and hardened cooking oil from your splashbacks, you know just how important the benefit of low maintenance actually is.

If you can’t be bothered to clean up every little spot you make during your cooking process immediately after you’re done with it, then glass splashbacks will make your life a whole lot easier. All you really need to maintain them is a soapy cloth!


Aside from being practical and the new focal point of your kitchen, glass splashbacks are also cost-effective. There’s a wide range of different strengths of glass that you can choose from. 

Of course, no matter which option you go for, your splashback will provide the essential protection for years to come, which makes it one of the most cost-effective materials out there.

Interested In Our Glass Splashbacks?

A Modern Yet Elegant Twist

Aside from offering stellar protection, glass splashbacks can also be stylish. In fact, they are the perfect way for you to make a bold statement if you so choose. Because there’s a wide selection of colours and finishes, you can opt for pretty much any shade, effect, or colour you think will be the best fit for your space.

Glass splashbacks offer complete design customizability and versatility. Now, making a choice might be difficult and even overwhelming. However, the GLASSMARIS design team will be there every step of the way. We’ll help you narrow down your choice, first to one of our five design categories and then, finally, to the optimal colour or effect for your kitchen.

Coloured Splashbacks

If you think your kitchen has gotten a bit dull, maybe it just needs a splash of colour. Coloured toughened glass splashbacks are the ideal choice for anyone looking to make a bit of a statement in their kitchen.

With hundreds of colours to choose from, you can find the one that goes best with your existing wall and cabinets colours. However, you can also opt for something completely out of the box. Coloured glass splashbacks are a great way to introduce some contrast into your overall design.

When you install a coloured splashback, it will become a focal point of your kitchen. The eye will naturally go to the walls where the splashback is mounted. This offers several benefits.

First, it displays your great taste. Second, it can take the attention away from some other spots in the kitchen that you haven’t gotten around to updating. Those dull, old cabinets will get a brand new shine with a coloured splashback sitting underneath them. The best part is that you don’t even have to do anything to them!

Printed Splashbacks

Glass is one of the most practical materials for splashbacks. Most people opt for one continuous piece of glass as their splashback, which cuts on the maintenance. The glass has no grooves (like tiles do), and it’s sturdy and durable. However, it can also be stylish.

Printed glass splashbacks allow you to introduce a bit of fun into your kitchen. You can opt for pretty much any pattern or image to be your kitchen background. This is an excellent way to make your kitchen more playful, artsy, or just colourful.

If you have a one or two-tone kitchen, printed glass splashbacks might be the ideal option for you.

The biggest advantage of printed glass splashbacks is that they allow you to reflect your personality in your kitchen. Sure, your overall style is definitely present in your home, but with a print, you can really showcase everything you love. A print of your favourite artwork or of an abstract design that speaks to your soul will give your kitchen a bit of a contemporary and personal feel at the same time.

If you spend a lot of time in your kitchen, you probably want something fun to look at. So why not add a gorgeous landscape to your walls? Alternatively, you can also opt for city skylines, abstract images and patterns, flower or food motives, and a whole array of other options.

Marble Effect Splashbacks

Marble is the epitome of luxury. Not that long ago, marble was only present in high-end houses, mansions, and buildings that are a part of our cultural heritage.

Today, however, marble is much more accessible to pretty much everyone. What was once above everyone’s budget is now within reach. However, as gorgeous as marble is, it’s also still quite expensive. Not to mention, it doesn’t make for a great splashback.

Out of all natural stones, marble is the most porous and the least heat and scratch-resistant. While beautiful, it does a somewhat poor job of protecting your walls from oil and food splashes.

So, if you want something just as beautiful as marble to be mounted behind your worktops, but you’re also expecting a significant level of protection, then marble effect splashbacks are ideal for you. They have all the elegance and allure of actual marble without any of the hassles.

Just like any other glass splashback, marble splashbacks are easy to maintain. With just a few swipes of cloth, all the dirt will be gone. You can’t really say the same for real marble, as it requires specific cleaning products that usually need to be applied immediately (otherwise, you could have big stains on your gorgeous, expensive stone splashback).

Printed glass splashbacks will also protect your walls superbly. The toughened glass is an ideal choice for protection next to the stove and burners.

Clear Glass Splashbacks

If you’re wondering why bother with clear glass splashbacks, we’ll tell you right now. Not everyone wants a new focal point in their kitchen. Some people just want to protect their walls. Whether you have tiling in your kitchen or just a nice paint job, it’s vital that you protect them from cooking oil and dirt. Clear glass splashbacks are an ideal way to do that.

They won’t take away (or add anything to) from the overall look of your kitchen. Therefore, they are a great way to add an extra layer of protection to your kitchen without changing its appearance.

Clear glass splashbacks are also a great option for those who have small kitchens that don’t have a lot of natural light. Depending on how well you position them, glass splashbacks can reflect natural and artificial light. That will make the kitchen seem roomier and well-lit.

So, if you have a tiled kitchen that you want to protect or that is in dire need of more light, clear glass splashbacks are an ideal solution. They won’t take away from the current design of your kitchen, so you only have the benefits to reap!

Mirror Glass Splashbacks

Mirror glass splashbacks are arguably the most powerful of all glass splashbacks. They take all the benefits that clear and coloured glass splashbacks offer and amplify them.

While clear glass splashbacks reflect natural and artificial light, mirror glass splashbacks magnify it. Therefore, they will be the ideal solution even if you only get the tiniest amount of light in your kitchen. They will make the entire space brighter. What’s more, they can also save you some money.

Mirror glass splashbacks allow you to use natural light to its full extent. Because they magnify it, they allow you to use artificial light less than you’d have to with any other splashback. This will keep your energy bill down, and, as an added benefit, they will make the space seem bigger.

Just like any other mirror, mirror splashbacks can really enhance the furniture pieces and appliances you have in your kitchen. However, unlike a regular mirror, a mirror splashback is made out of toughened glass. That means it can withstand high temperatures and is highly resistant to scratches and any other damage.